Places within 15 km around Sibasa

Browse all places in South Africa within a radius of 15 km around Sibasa.

26 places found in South Africa within 15 km around Sibasa.

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of places around Sibasa: 5 km10 km

Places 15 km around Sibasa

26 places found in South Africa within 15 km around Sibasa.
Places in the regional area of Sibasa
Thohoyandou Thohoyandou44,0461.6 km 1.0 mishow
Tshabvuma Tshabvuma-4.4 km 2.7 mishow
Ha-Radali Ha-Radali-5.2 km 3.2 mishow
Palmaryville Palmaryville-5.7 km 3.6 mishow
Gouldville Gouldville-6.4 km 4.0 mishow
Muledane Muledane-7.1 km 4.4 mishow
Madzingandevhe Madzingandevhe-7.5 km 4.6 mishow
Mukumbani Mukumbani-7.6 km 4.7 mishow
Tswinga Tswinga-8.2 km 5.1 mishow
Tshivumbe Tshivumbe-8.5 km 5.3 mishow
Makumbane Makumbane-8.6 km 5.4 mishow
Shayandima Shayandima-9.0 km 5.6 mishow
Mpapuli Location Mpapuli Location-9.2 km 5.7 mishow
Dzindi Dzindi-9.2 km 5.7 mishow
Natal House Natal House-9.5 km 5.9 mishow
Tshilapfene Tshilapfene-10.8 km 6.7 mishow
Craighouse Craighouse-11.4 km 7.1 mishow
Mulenzheslokasie Mulenzheslokasie-11.6 km 7.2 mishow
Vendaland Vendaland-12.0 km 7.4 mishow
Lomondo Location Lomondo Location-12.4 km 7.7 mishow
Manamane Manamane-12.9 km 8.0 mishow
Muhuyu Muhuyu-13.2 km 8.2 mishow
Vhutandabos Vhutandabos-14.0 km 8.7 mishow
Dzwerani Dzwerani-14.0 km 8.7 mishow
Takalani Takalani-14.6 km 9.1 mishow
Ka-Phaphazela Ka-Phaphazela-14.9 km 9.3 mishow

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of places around Sibasa: 5 km10 km